Wednesday, 24 September 2014

I love Swiss binmen

It's bin day and the trusty bin wagon is always heading up my street like clockwork as I walk with the kiddies to school (yes, I still accompany them, I'm struggling to be Swiss about this particular issue) And the binmen always smile and say hello, even the one driving the wagon waves to us as we pass.

And this morning I got to witness an entire sofa going in! I stood and gawped as the grinder chomped it up, thinking it was never going to go. But it did, it was chomped right down with not more than a crunch and a big bin of rubbish went in right behind it. Now, that's efficient. Once again I found myself comparing this to UK practices. Both Binmen and wagon would have a hernia to find a sofa put out for them on binday. I remember a neighbour finding her black bin hadn't been emptied one morning because the lid was slightly open meaning too much rubbish.

But of course, all the rubbish is paid for here - the sofa was sporting its required Apfellmarken like all bin-bags must do. So more money means more efficient ways to dispose of the rubbish I guess - like the mega guzzling, swallow anything Swiss bin wagon!

Flea market at the library this weekend

There will be a flea market taking place at the Gemeindesaal across from Brütten Library between 9am and 11am on Saturday morning. This is a great community event, it is always popular, with lots of coffee and homemade cake on offer - and the library sells off a lot of its older stock cheaply, which includes great films and books for just a couple of francs or so each.

The library will be closed for most of its regular hours throughout the Autumn holiday (6-19th Oct) but will open on Saturday mornings (10-12am)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Calling all bat fans

There will be a bat walk taking place with Peter Klaus on Saturday 20th September, subject to good weather. Bat fans can meet up at the parking place at Birchwil (Cross Street) from 6.30pm. Bring a good torch.

For further information, contact 078 973 5774 or email

Thursday, 4 September 2014

A Swiss military wake up call

On Wednesday I was awoken with the sudden thought at 6.30am that the world was coming to an end. There was a thundering roar coming through my open window and when I looked out I saw the cause - a convoy of tanks and other Swiss military vehicles were rumbling through the village. Although sleepy  and rather bleary, I managed to grab my phone and snap a picture - see below.

This is not the first time, they first came through late afternoon a couple of days before but despite the intimidating presence of a tank rolling towards you, the Swiss have a way of allaying any nerves - a soldier chucked a packet of biscuits out of the window to the daughter of my friend as they passed. 

After the shock of an abrupt awakening it made me chuckle - yet another thing that would be outlandish in the UK but just seems to be the norm here.