Friday 27 March 2015

Story time at Brütten Library

Brütten Library will be holding story time sessions for children aged between 2 and 4 years. Springtime stories will take place at 10-11am on Tuesday 14th April and summer time stories will take place at 10-11am on Tuesday 30th June.

Regular opening times for the library are 3-7pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and 10am-12pm on Saturday morning.

For further information call the library on: 052 345 1037.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Fleamarket on Saturday

There will be a lovely community buzz at the Gemeindesaal on Saturday between 9am and 11am as the village's residents flog off their surplus clothes and games for children after having their spring clear outs. Many of the children are encouraged to clear out their unwanted toys and earn pocket money at this annual event. There are usually bargains aplenty! If you want to hire a table you can contact Sylvie Kessler on 052 345 0811 or email: