Friday, 18 November 2016

Almost time for Adventfenster...

I love this time of year. The anticipation - will it, won't it snow? What kind of advent calendar will we have this year (usually a lovely illustrated one - no chocs) Who will take part in the village Adventfenster event this year? Will I meet someone new on my rounds of Adventfenster?

Dorf Blitz have yet to announce the Adventfenster locations but I have word from my daughters that Brutten Bibliothek will be launching it all on December 1st with an apero from 6.30pm - or thereabouts. They usually have an activity and WunschPunsch for the kiddies and yummy gluwein for the grown ups. I think I may make the staff some mince pies. Now, where did I put that giant jar of mincemeat that the Brother-in-law sent over...

Sunday, 13 November 2016

My painting is featured in a promotional campaign!

A painting that I made of Brutten Church has appeared all around the village and surrounding villages (including on street side posters!) as part of a promotional campaign for Dubendorf Gospel Choir which is holding a concert in the church on Sunday (20th)

The choir has suggested that I bring my painting along on the night of the event so they can tell everyone a little about the artist (me!) behind the picture they fell in love with. I'm also hoping to get a bunch of business cards printed this week to hopefully drum up a few little commissions :)

Here is the painting which featured on a flyer which went to hundreds of homes:

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Hobby Market on this weekend

The FrauenVerein, a wonderful group for women in Brutten which organises all kinds of social events, is holding their annual hobby market this weekend. The setting will be the sports venue at the Primary School and lots of lovely ladies will be selling their wares between 10am and 5pm today and tomorrow. There will also be plenty of coffee and cake to keep your energy levels up while you browse a wealth of homemade fare.